I didn't ask for the end of this whip
and it's no secret
I don't believe this misery
is somehow justice for betraying a dream
but it's no secret
there's no law that says my will
has the power to attract
and that I’m solely to blame
for what I get back
dance all night because it's so easy
ask, believe, receive
but what you give ain't always what you get
these tubes and these bloody sheets
weren't invited to the party by me
and it's no secret
and how I wish that I could believe
that a thought could make this pain retreat
but it's no secret
there's no law that says my will
has the power to attract
no one gets to decide
between the cancer ward and the throne
no, I didn't ask for this
and no one deserves it
there's no key to
the universe

It is also about this ridiculous movie:

The problem with writing a song like this is that you inevitably provide the dickheads you are talking about with some much undeserved publicity*. I’ve already done this enough with the refrain that appears in the first and second verse of the song, and also through this blog entry. So to try and curb this trend, I will now use this space to direct you to some brilliantly laid out refutations and critiques of the aforementioned books/movies and their philosophies. Because, truthfully, anything I would continue to write would just be a remedial version of what these people wrote:
*And let's face it, any press is good press. Even if I’m calling the purveyors of this nonsense liars and con artists, I’m still spreading their message - their work is still enjoying the benefit of my attention, and yours if you're still reading.
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